Da Thor Orbal Thoro Kamso Khabarey by Abdullah Jan Maghmoom - Peshawar Library: Free Pdf Books -->

Da Thor Orbal Thoro Kamso Khabarey by Abdullah Jan Maghmoom

    Da Thor Orbal Thoro Kamso Khabarey
    Book Name Da Thor Orbal Thoro Kamso Khabarey
    AuthorAbdullah Jan Maghmoom
    Publish Year
    Language Pashto
    Genre Poetry
    Download Link

    Review: Da Thor Orbal Thoro Kamso Khabarey

    Da Thor Orbal Thoro Kamso Khabarey is collection of Pashto Poetry by Abdullah Jan Maghmoom. a detailed description about Maghmoom is given below.
    Peshawar Library is determined to keep Pashto poets, artists and art related personalities alive for ever by Publishing there work in free pdf form.
    Abdullah Jan Maghmoom was born in 1928 in a village of K.P.K.(Pakistan) called Darmangi. He was born in a religious and educated family, his father was a known scholar and Hafiz of the Quran and a religious teacher. After finishing high school, he got a job in studio club, Radio Pakistan, in Peshawar. This job made him close to broadcasting, script writing, and drama, plays etc. He became a talk show host, a show called Hujra, and his character was Penda Khan, he became very popular. The program lasted for 31 years and was broadcasted everyday. The seniors NOW can still remember this program. On August 14th, 1947 it was he, who announced that Pakistan got independence from the British (In Pashtu language). His show was very popular among males, females, youngsters, and elders.he had a very nice style of speaking and could be considered the Oprah Winfrey of Pakistan at the time. He introduced a new style of broadcasting in Radio Pakistan.
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