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Parts of Speech Made Easy Pdf Free Download

english grammar

Book NameParts of Speech Made Easy
AuthorAfzal Anwar Mufti
Publish Year
PublisherQaumi Kutub Khana, Lahore
GenreEnglish grammar

Parts of Speech Made Easy Review:

Parts of Speech Made Easy is an english grammar booklet written by author of hundred of english grammar books Afzal Anwar Mufti, Parts of Speech Made Easy and more books by Mufti are recommended to school students in Pakistan.
In traditional grammar, a part of speech  is a category of words  which have similar grammatical properties. Words that are assigned to the same part of speech generally display similar behavior in terms of syntax—they play similar roles within the grammatical structure of sentences—and sometimes in terms of morphology, in that they undergo inflection for similar properties.
Commonly listed English parts of speech are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, interjection, 
English words are not generally marked as belonging to one part of speech or another; this contrasts with many other European languages, which use inflection more extensively, meaning that a given word form can often be identified as belonging to a particular part of speech and having certain additional grammatical properties. In English, most words are uninflected, while the inflective endings that exist are mostly ambiguous: -ed may mark a verbal past tense, a participle or a fully adjectival form; -s may mark a plural noun or a present-tense verb form; -ing may mark a participle, gerund, or pure adjective or noun. Although -ly is a frequent adverb marker, some adverbs (e.g. tomorrow, fast, very) do not have that ending, while some words with that ending (e.g. friendly, ugly) are not adverbs.
Many English words can belong to more than one part of speech. Words like neigh, break, outlaw, laser, microwave, and telephone might all be either verbs or nouns. 
We (PeshawarLibrary) has collected basic english grammer books in easy to understand manner in urdu language. a list of available books is given below.


I have need of this book


The books written by honorable Efzal Anwar Mufti are based on the golden principle of ' help your self'. They are evergreen creations. May Allah reward him for this excellent job. Ammeen.


Dear sir,
I want to have all the exercises of this book done by the author.
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I have need this book


No doubt he wrote great books. I also found helping stuff on for english grammar.


Thanks for the books


Great work really
I appreciate it.


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