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Pakistan Foriegn Policy 1947-2004 Pdf


Book Name Pakistan Foriegn Policy
AuthorDr. Hasan-Askari Rizvi
Publish Year
Language English
Genre Pakistan

Pakistan Foriegn Policy Review:

A Detailed book on Pakistan Foreign Policy from 1947 to 2004, and a nice material for the students of competative exams.available for online reading and free download.

Pakistan's Foreign Policy: an Overview, a briefing paper by PILDAT, is a special presentation in the context of the PILDAT Short Course for Parliamentarians and Politicians on The Foreign Policy Process in Pakistan. Developed by PILDAT, as a part of the Pakistan Legislative Strengthening Consortium - PLSC, supported financially by the USAID, the paper looks at the major foreign policy phases and development of perspectives in the foreign policy of Pakistan. The paper has been especially commissioned by PILDAT to provide a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's foreign policy from 1947-2004. The briefing paper, essentially prepared for parliamentarians, can also serve as a stand-alone reference document on the foreign policy of Pakistan to-date.
Authored by the renowned defence and political analyst, Prof. Dr. Hasan-Askari Rizvi, the paper attempts to present an objective and factual commentary, covering accurate history and shaping of foreign policy perspectives. PILDAT strongly feels that foreign policy should be reviewed and influenced by the supreme policy-making institution of the country: Parliament. It is in this perspective that PILDAT bids to provide an objective and comprehensive overview of the Pakistani foreign policy since

Independence so as to orient parliamentarians towards the dynamics, actors and influencing factors on foreign policy.